Walking Toward Christmas Now Published!

Cover of Walking Toward ChristmasI spent some time a few years ago, writing an Advent devotional for myself. I had selected verses to take me from the beginning of the Advent season all the way to Epiphany. When I was growing up, in our house, the Christmas season lasted until January 6.

At the time I did the writing, I faced a lot of challenges. So thinking about what the verses meant in terms of how we prepared for Christmas made me stretch my faith – in a very good way.

So now, I have edited those meditations, mostly just to correct the occasional typo or grammatical error, but also to make them slightly less tied to my then-immediate circumstances. I do not pretend to be a trained theologian, just a serious Christian who has worked to study the scriptures throughout her life, always seeking to understand what the Lord might have to say. For now, it is published just on Kindle — but doesn’t that work well for a daily devotional format? I think so.

I hope others will find this a worthy endeavor to explore. Come take this walk with me, this walk toward Christmas, preparing our hearts for the celebration of the advent of our Lord.

About Sarah Beach

Now residing in Las Vegas, I was born in Michigan and moved to Texas when 16. After getting my Masters degree in English, I moved to Hollywood, because of the high demand for Medievalists (NOT!). As a freelance writer and editor, I find that Nevada offers better conditions for the wallet. I love writing all sorts of things, and occasionally also create some artwork.
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