The new year is promising some interesting possibilities, so I’m hoping I do not get distracted from updating this website.
I’m being whimsical in my choice of reviews, I admit. Not everything I’ll be reviewing is “new” or “fresh”. But they are things I consider of note. This time out, we have a graphic novel, some music, and a set of mystery novel adaptations.
The newest article is the last of the Mythopoesis columns: this one on myth (both generally and withink a Secondary World). As I wrap up republishing these columns, I’ll now explain that these columns served as practice for a much larger project on mythic motifs for writers. I am hoping that project will find its way into print this year, one way or another.
The comic book script I’m offering as a writing sample gets a fuller explanation on its separate page. It was fun to write and I hope any readers enjoy it.