I have just added a “new” paper to the ScribblerWorks website, one I gave at Mythcon 28 in 1997. “The People of the Lie in the City: Spiritual Development in All Hallow’s Eve” uses a descriptive methodology found in the works of M. Scott Peck. I adapted it to literary analysis in this paper, and would later expand on it for The Scribbler’s Guide to the Land of Myth.
All Hallow’s Eve was the first novel by Charles Williams that I read, and it remains my favorite. It resonated with me in two powerful ways: first, it described the effect of artwork in a way that (for me) perfectly caught what any artist desires to happen in the viewers of a work, a special sort of engagement and enrapturement; second, it described the spiritual dimension in a way that “felt right,” in a way similar to how I (in a small way) experienced it.
I hope readers of the paper will be inspired to give the novel a try as well.