I’m not great at remembering to take pictures of the cosplayers at conventions. But I did remember to catch a few while in Phoenix.
The first one was the one that really reminded me to get out the camera. I’d sat down in the food court to eat the bit of lunch I’d gotten. This one guy stopped to ask me if I happened to have any tape with me, but I had to say I didn’t. Then I realized why. One of the ladies he was with was having a bit of a problem that part of her costume was a bit loose. Even so, it was still pretty good.

Don’t blink! Weeping Angels are around!
One fellow was maneuvering the crowds with quite a reach.

Spider-Man’s Doc Ock made an appearance.
Then there was the following team, who really worked well together.

Toy Soldiers at Phoenix Comicon.
When in motion, this trio had their platforms tucked under an arm while trotting in time together, all going ‘Hut, hut, hut, hut.” They were quite prompt when asked for pictures, both by me after the presentation we’d attended, but also out in the corridors when asked by others. (And they “stuck to their guns” as it were with their cosplay, in spite of the ban on props after the Thursday incident.) Great fun.
I’m going to try to do better to catch pictures of cosplayers at conventions.
In the meantime, I also observed the following cosplayers —
Black Canary
The Kool Aid Pitcher Guy
The Hamburger Helper Hand
A gender-bending Slave Leia
Merida fromĀ Brave
A hobbit
Mary Poppins (2 of them – this was on Saturday, when Dick Van Dyke was appearing)
Super Mario
Various Jokers & Harley Quinns.
A gender-bent couple of Joker and Harley Quinn.
A couple of Agent Peggy Carters
Ghostbusters – both a female one and a Spengler
Doctor Strange
“Kid” Flash (a 4 year old)
A Yandru
Aquaman & Mera (and a second Aquaman who was going shirtless)