Story Notes

If you want to deepen your story, but are feeling stuck about how to proceed, consider consulting me for story notes. But what does it mean to have a consultation for story notes?

This is something more than simply editing. Story notes involve a discussion about what you want your story to say, and how to most effectively get that meaning woven into your story. We will analyze the structure of your story, your use of archetypes in your characters, how to enrich the setting of the story.

For this service, you get the benefit of my academic studies for my Master’s degree, as well as the work I did in preparing The Scribbler’s Guide to the Land of Myth.

The object will be to bring your story as close as possible to what you want it to be.


If you want to take advantage of my services, fill out THIS FORM and email it to me at
(Print the form as a PDF and attach it in an email to the above address)

When emailing me, please let me know the following:

(1) Your name and email address
(2) The nature of the work you want reviewed (novel, feature or comic book script, etc.)
(3) The word count of prose works; the page count of scripts of any sort
(4) A general description of the work
(5) Whether or not you are working on a deadline

Remittance is due upon agreement for submission. The usual practice is half at commencement of the job, half upon delivery of my final notes. Payment methods can be discussed, but PayPal or funds transfer via the Zelle banking network is the preferred means.