Years ago, I considered possible ideas for the cover art for my still-in-process fantasy novel, The Ring of Adonel. There are many possiblities: should I focus on the main character or on the cause of the action, the object everything is revolving around?
Recently I unearthed the following pieces that display my early thinking on the issue. In this case, I opted to focus on the object and its history.
The sketch was done on notepaper, and then quick ink with a felt-tip pen to create the general outline.
The Ring is there, and the figure of Adonel in flames. (Do you really want the whole explanation of the moment?)
From this, I experimented in rendering it in crayon. I’m not sure why I selected that medium, though it might have been about wanting the strong colors for the flames.
Having rediscovered this piece, I’m liking it. It may become the basis for a more finished work.