I had taken a break from some of my other work, and was doing another art card. The idea that ran through my mind was of a dancer, silhouetted in black with flames coming off her. Trying to draw fire, like trying to draw water, is a challenge. But as it moved along, I liked how it shaped up.
As I worked on it, I thought of how the ancients considered Fire to be one of the essential elements, along with Water, Air and Earth. And I started thinking of doing other dancers for each of the elements.
In fact, I was so caught by the idea that I began the second one immediately. However, rather than call it “Airdancer” I decided to call it “Winddancer.”
It may be a couple of days before I work on the remaining two, but I am thinking about them. “Waterdancer” will reference falling water, I think, while the last one… well, instead of earth-as-dirt, I think I will have it reference vegetation, though I’m not sure what I will call it.
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