Books – Cordelia’s Honor

by Lois McMaster Bujold

This compilation volume contains the “beginning” of the Miles Volkosigan Saga. The qualification comes from the fact that the various stories of the Saga were not written in chronological order. But the contents here deal with how the parents of Miles met and established their relationship.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Lois McMaster Bujold

Cordelia meets Aral at a time when they are on opposite sides of an interplanetary conflict. But in spite of that political context, the pair achieve a meeting of minds and respect that was more powerful than the elements which tried to separate them. And yes, there was also a sexual attraction.

Cordelia takes her fate into her own hands and strikes out to reach what she desires: to be with Aral. Her matter-of-fact, no-nonsense character makes her very appealing to read about. She doesn’t care for convention and isn’t particularly concerned about the opinions of others. She works at being just and fair to all, but has a ruthlessness about matters that alarms those who love social rules and rituals.

I like her.

Bujold seems to have an affection for writing about intrigues and manouverings. But she keeps the reader engaged in the whole activity.

About Sarah

Now residing in Las Vegas, I was born in Michigan and moved to Texas when 16. After getting my Masters degree in English, I moved to Hollywood, because of the high demand for Medievalists (NOT!). As a freelance writer and editor, Nevada offers better conditions for the wallet. I love writing all sorts of things, and occasionally also create some artwork.
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