Comics – Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey #11 (DC Comics)

Writer: Gail Simone; Art: Pere Perez; Colors: Nei Ruffino; Letters: Carlos M. Mangual; Editor: Janelle Asselin

scribblerworks-birdsofprey-11-simoneThis issue gives us another done-in-one story between arcs. In “Which Reason Knows Not Of,” Simone picks up the thread of the attraction between Catman and Huntress. Catman is in Gotham again and his path crosses Helena’s as she pursues a team of thieves who heisted the transport of some Egyptian antiquities and took a woman curator hostage. The differences between Huntress and Catman get highlighted, pointing out that there is a subtle but important dividing line between them. This gets played out all the way to an intriguing twist.

Pere Perez’ artwork in this issue moves smoothly through all the action in the tale. There are nice human details that are charming. There is also a lack of gratuitous cheesecake which is even more appealing. (Please note: If you want moments of sexual tension between the characters to work, you can’t have the rest of the art presenting the female character to be overtly sexualized. There are some artists I wish would realize this fact. Perez shows he “gets it.”)

It’s a fine issue, well worth picking up

About Sarah

Now residing in Las Vegas, I was born in Michigan and moved to Texas when 16. After getting my Masters degree in English, I moved to Hollywood, because of the high demand for Medievalists (NOT!). As a freelance writer and editor, Nevada offers better conditions for the wallet. I love writing all sorts of things, and occasionally also create some artwork.
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